Meet the
Space Monkey

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After months of training, Ham the chimpanzee, with a proud look on his face, stands on a beach with a rocketship behind him.
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As he traveled further into the unknown depths of the universe, Ham's excitement grew with each passing moment, and he knew that this was an adventure he would never forget.
He is a primate on a mission, determined to make history as he boldly goes where no other primate has gone before.
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Ham stumbled upon two interesting planets...

Click on a planet!


With a sense of excitement, Ham steps out of his spacecraft and braces himself for the unknown terrain of the red planet.

As he begins to explore his new surroundings, Ham's sense of adventure takes over, and he eagerly sets off to discover what lies ahead.

Suddenly, Ham spots three green hairy figures emerging from the back. He freezes in shock, wondering what kind of creatures they could be.
The creatures, however, did not seem surprised by Ham's appearance. They looked at him with curiosity, as if they had been expecting him all along.
The wise aliens had been observing humans for a while ...
They warned him that he would be put in a zoo for the rest of his life if he returned back to earth.
Saddened by this fact, Ham had no choice but to stay no this planet.
Ham decided to stay on the red planet and make the green, hairy creatures his family, and they lived happily ever after exploring the wonders of their new home.